Sound Healing
-Crystals are living things with higher consciousness, vibrations & unique frequency in a non living manner or object.
-Crystals are used as a shield or weapon to protect our energy in physical material world.
-All crystals differ from colours, shapes, sizes, frequency, healing abilities, quality, texture, types of crystals etc.
-Crystals and stones naturally have consciousness and thereby can be used as a powerful instrument of healing.
Why Crystal Healing with crystals?
-Although there are many types of crystal that can be used for healing, but here at Aura, we use Clear Quartz Crystal.
-The use of crystal will significantly make your healing faster and deeper.
-However, one must remember that a crystal is just a tool for healing, its effectiveness depends on the willingness of the patient to heal, trust on the process, receptivity in receiving the healing energies.
-Shortens & fastens healing period.
-Extracting negative emotions and diseased energies from your aura quickly and easily.
-Activating and revitalising your charkas.
-Using the coloured Pranic energies for facilitating rapid healing.
(Please note: We also conduct sessions on other days apart from Full Moon and New moon.)
**Consultation required with the client / patient before commencing healing.**
Consultation fee ₹500/- (”One time fee”)